On July 29, Bollywood’s beloved actor Sanjay Dutt celebrated his 64th birthday. On this occasion, his fans, family, and colleagues from the film industry are extending their heartfelt wishes. Just recently, on Saturday, his upcoming film ‘Double Ismart’ released its first look. Now, a video from his another highly anticipated film ‘Leo’ has been unveiled. This movie, starring Thalapathy Vijay, often stays in the limelight on social media platforms.
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A small gift from all of us to you @duttsanjay sir! It was indeed a pleasure to work with you!🤜🤛#HappyBirthdaySanjayDutt ❤️#Leo 🔥🧊 pic.twitter.com/UuonlCF3Qa— Lokesh Kanagaraj (@Dir_Lokesh) July 29, 2023